Benjamin Allen Ledbetter Brookshire 698
- Born: 29 Oct 1831, Coffee County, Tennessee, USA 698
- Marriage (1): Catherine Anthony on 12 Aug 1856 in Phelps County, Missouri, USA 698
- Died: 12 Oct 1898, Spring Creek, Phelps, Missouri, USA at age 66 698
- Buried: 14 Oct 1898, Relfe Cemetery (Phelps County, Missouri, USA)
General Notes:
OBITUARY -- Benjamin Allen Ledbetter Brookshire
Benjamin Allen Ledbetter Brookshire was born in Coffee county, Tennessee Oct. 29, 1831, married in Phelps county, Missouri to Miss Catherine Anthony Aug. 12, 1856, member of the M. E. Church 48 years and died on Spring Creek, 2 miles north of Beulah in Phelps county Oct. 12, 1898 at 8 p.m., aged 66 ys, 11 ms and 13 ds, 10 children, 8 survive, 31 grand children, 29 survive, was of a family of 9 children, 4 survive: Susan M Hale, Josiah D. Brookshire, N. J. and Sam’l A. Brookshire. Funeral service at the residence and at the cemetery at Relfe at the house at 11 a.m. and at Relfe at 3:30 p.m. after which Uncle Allen was laid to rest, Oct. 14 1898. A funeral discourse was preached by me at Pleasant Grove Church July 16, 1899 at 2 p.m. Sunday in connection with his widow, from Phil. 1X23, using hymns 293 and 299 in vocalist--a large congregation present. J. J. Watts
Life Events:
1. Church Affiliation: Methodist Episcopal Church. 1075
Benjamin married Catherine Anthony on 12 Aug 1856 in Phelps County, Missouri, USA.698 (Catherine Anthony was born on 16 Dec 1836 in Washington County, Missouri, USA,1075 died on 11 Mar 1899 in Spring Creek, Phelps, Missouri, USA 1075 and was buried on 12 Mar 1899 in Relfe Cemetery (Phelps County, Missouri, USA) 1075.)