Henry Farley Brookshire
Delphia Coffee
(Abt 1804-)
John Alexander Evers
Cynthia Brookshire
James Albert LaFayette Evers


Family Links

1. Ann Eliza McGee

James Albert LaFayette Evers 967

  • Born: 7 Dec 1843, Graves County, Kentucky, USA 966
  • Marriage (1): Ann Eliza McGee on 7 Sep 1865 in Pulaski County, Illinois, USA 966
  • Died: 26 Aug 1910, Hillerman, Massac, Illinois, USA at age 66 967
  • Buried: 28 Aug 1910, Lower Salem Methodist Cemetery (Hillerman, Massac, Illinois, USA)

bullet  General Notes:

James was injured twice during the Civil War. His major injury came from an accidental shot from his
Captain's pistol. They were out on a "scout", letting their horses drink at a stream and the Captain's horse
shook all over. The Captain had his pistol primed and cocked, the horse must had bumped the Captain and
causing the pistol to go off. This was the affidavit given by the Captain when James applied for a pension.

The shot went thru the inside of the upper left calf and exited the lower right ankle. The other gunshot injury
was basically an skin wound that happened during a battle. James claimed other disabilities due to poor
environment & water during battle and siege of Fort Donnelson & Fort Henry.


James A.L. Evers was born in Graves County, KY., December 7, 1943; in December 1861 he enlisted in the 15th Regiment Illinois Cavalry having moved to this state with his parents several years previously. He served his county three years and one month and was honorably discharged in January 1865. He was converted in his 14th year and lived a devoted Christian in the M.E. Church at Salem for 52 years; passed away in great peace Friday morning, August 26th, aged 66 years, 8 months, and 19 days. His funeral was held at Salem on Sunday August 28th at 11 a.m. A very large concourse of friends with the relatives followed the remains to their last resting place. The grave was covered with flowers. We do not sorrow as those who have no hope for as was said of old he was a good man and full of the Holy Second Spirit. The funeral was preached by his paster, Rev. T.J. Overstreet, from Second Timothy, fourth chapter 7-8 verses. A good man is gone. The friends have the sympathy and respect of all who know them. He was married September 7, 1865, to Miss Ann Eliza McGee, daughter of Judge Hugh McGee of Pulaski County and who survives him, with four sons, Albert, James O., Luther L. and Hubert H. Evers and two daughters, Mrs. Cynthia Lippert, wife of Gus. Lippert, and Mrs Hattie Ferguson, wife of J.D. Ferguson of Tuscola, Illinois. Mr. Evers was an honorable man, a steadfast friend, a kind loving husband and father.
Last Will & Testament of James A. L. Evers

I, James A. L. Evers of the County of Massac and State of Illinois, being of sound mind and disposing memory, do make, publish and declare this to the my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me at any time made.

As to all my worldly estate and all the property real, and personal or mixed of which of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath, and dispose thereof in the following manner, to-wit:

My will is that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid, by my executor here in after named out of my estate, as soon after my decease as he shall find convenient. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Anna E. Evers the control of and the income and profits of all my real estate and all my personal estate as along as she shall live, after my just debts and funeral expenses are paid.

After my death and after the death of my wife, I will that my property be disposed of as follows. That all my real estate and all my personal estate be sold by my executor here in after named in any way that shall to him seem best, and the proceeds to be distributed as follows.

1. One tenth (1/10) of all the money received from the sale of my real and personal estate, I will to be paid to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church located in Logan Precinct in Massac County, and known as the Salem M.E. Church and said money to be placed on interest by the said trustees and the interest paid annually for the support of a Minister at the church.

2 .I will that the balance of the money received from the sale of my real and personal estate to equally divided between my children, Albert W. Evers, James O. Evers, Cynthia Lippert, Lurther L. Evers, Harriett H. Fugerson and Hubbert H. Evers.

And in case Albert W. Evers should die before taking his part of the above estate, I will and bequeath his share of the said estate to his child Eunice, but the money shall not be paid to her until she is twenty-one years of age.

Lastly I do nominate my son Albert W. Evers to be the executor of this my last will and testament and case he does not act he may nominate either James or Luther Evers as executors. In witness whereof, I the said James A. L. Evers have to this my last will and testament consisting of two sheets of paper, subscribed my name, this fourth day of October in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and and Nine
James A. L. Evers

Subscribed, Published and declared by the said James A. L. Evers as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who at his request and in his presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses there to, Fred Smith, Metropolis, IL Anna E. Henne

Filed at Massac County Courthouse
October 3, 1910 p.145-147


bullet  Life Events:

1. Military: Civil War (15th Regiment Illinois Cavalry), Dec 1861-Jan 1865. 964

2. Church Affiliation: Methodist Episcopal Church. 964

3. Occupation: Justice of the Peace & Farmer. 964

4. Census, 29 Apr 1910, Hillerman, Massac, Illinois, USA. 964

5. Will, 9 Oct 1909, Metropolis, Massac, Illinois, USA. 964


James married Ann Eliza McGee on 7 Sep 1865 in Pulaski County, Illinois, USA.966 (Ann Eliza McGee was born on 2 Apr 1850 in Grand Chain, Pulaski, Illinois, USA,966 died on 30 Dec 1918 in Massac County, Illinois, USA 966 and was buried on 2 Jan 1919 in Lower Salem Methodist Cemetery (Hillerman, Massac, Illinois, USA) 964.). The cause of her death was Pneumonia.

bullet  Marriage Notes:

Hugh McGee's residence
Presiding: G.W. Brinston, Minister of the Gospel 966

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