Jacob Keller
Frederick Keller
Josiah Keller


Family Links

1. Unknown

Josiah Keller 715,882,1126,1127

  • Marriage (1): Unknown

bullet  General Notes:

From "History of Bedford, Somerset and Fulton Counties, Pennsylvania," 1884, p. 517.
Four brothers -- Caspar, Jacob, Henry, and Frederick Keller -- came from Eastern Pennsylvania, and were among the early settlers of this (Somerset) county. They located on the Allegheny mountain, in Allegheny and Stony Creek townships. Caspar was captain of a company in the war of 1812. All lived in the county, and all reared families except Frederick, who never married. Caspar carried on distilling, where Topper's distillery now is (1884). Josiah Keller, of Somerset, is a son of Frederick Keller (whose father was Jacob, above mentioned), and followed blacksmithing until 1875. He was then elected county treasurer. Since 1878 he has been in the mercantile business. 1128


bullet  Life Events:

1. Occupation: Blacksmith, County Treasurer & Mercantile Business. 1127 Blacksmith 1858-1875;
County Treasurer; 1875-1878
Mercantile Business 1878


Josiah married.

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