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Johannes Peter "John" Graeff
Anna Maria Schneider
George Michael Groff Sr.
Susanna Augustine
George Michael "Michael" Grove Jr.


Family Links

1. Elizabeth Hess

George Michael "Michael" Grove Jr. 715,908

  • Born: 12 Jan 1789, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, USA 715,908,1026
  • Marriage (1): Elizabeth Hess
  • Died: Jan 1845, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, USA at age 56 715,908,1026
  • Buried: Jan 1845, Lambertsville Cemetery (Stoystown, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA) 910

bullet  Research Notes:

In the Lambertsville Cemetery is a modern tombstone, inscribed

died 1845

wife of Michael

5 unknown graves
reinter 1977

original site
lat. 40 deg 3 min. 40 sec.
long. 78 deg 54 min. 19 sec.

I believe that this Michael GROVE is the fifth child of George Michael GRAFF/GROFF/GROVE
and Susanna AUGUSTINE, for which I have:
dob 12 Jan 1789
dod Jan 1845
wife Elizabeth HESS (no other data)
children: Henry, Abraham, Polly, Sarah (no other data)

I would be interested in communicating with anyone who has more information on this family and their descendants.

For other listers, I have the following questions:

(i) This a modern-day re-interment, and likely guided by some public law/agency concerned with relocating remains. Does anyone know where I could find out the full story behind this relocation - why it occurred? why Lambertville Cemetery was chosen? What statute governed the movement?
(ii) Can anyone closer to ground zero identify precisely where the original site was? Was it a private cemetery? Who was the earliest owner of the property? etc.
(iii) Can anyone guess who the 5 other unknown graves are?

I might also point out that, on the SOMGEN listing of the cemetery: the listings from FLEEGLE-LAMBERT are missing, which is why I did not previously know that GROVEs are buried here.


bullet  Life Events:

1. Will, 11 Oct 1844. 1026


George married Elizabeth Hess. (Elizabeth Hess was buried in Lambertsville Cemetery (Stoystown, Somerset, Pennsylvania, USA) 910.)

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