Joshua Truitt 1623
- Born: 7 Sep 1830, Adams County, Ohio, USA 1623
- Marriage (1): Lydia Kerwood on 18 Apr 1860 in Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA 1623
- Marriage (2): Anna A. Ramsey on 17 May 1864 in Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, USA 1623
- Died: 4 Dec 1894, Muncie, Delaware, Indiana, USA at age 64 1623
General Notes:
On September 7, 1830 Joshua Truitt was born in Adams County, Ohio, USA, to George B. Truitt and his wife, Frances Walden. Accompanied his family to Delaware County, Indiana, USA, in November 1830. Worked on farm, attended school at New Castle, Indiana, and taught school until he was 26. He became a Republican. Joshua was one of the first three Trustees of CenterTownship. In 1851 he lived in Liberty Township, Delaware County. He was Surveyor of Delaware County from fall 1857 to 1861. In 1860 engaged in marble business at Muncie, at the same time acting as CIty Civil Engineer, until his brother returned from the army, when he placed the work in his hands and soon afterward engaged in the lumber trade. Joshua was the Muncie City Civil Engineer in 1865-66.
From: Bowen's book entitled "History of Delaware County, Indiana" 1623
Life Events:
1. Occupation: Teacher & Saw Mill Owner. 1623
Joshua married Lydia Kerwood on 18 Apr 1860 in Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA.1623 (Lydia Kerwood was born about 1839 in Oxford, Butler, Ohio, USA 1623 and died on 13 Dec 1863 in Delaware County, Indiana, USA 1623.)
Joshua next married Anna A. Ramsey on 17 May 1864 in Mansfield, Richland, Ohio, USA.1623 (Anna A. Ramsey was born about 1835 in Indiana, USA 1623.)